Sunday, September 12, 2010

GOAL! (:

After the first week of school I kind of have a better feel of what I should be aiming my goals for. I'm excited to lay them out, but am kind of nervous as to how big they'll actually be to accomplish. It's encouraging to know that nothing is to big for God though. (: Over the course of the next school year I'll be working on these spiritual goals set specifically for me. Voicing them out may give you some ideas on what you yourself can to work on too, and they can help by others knowing my weaknesses and keeping me accountable for them.


Definition- the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

Goal 1:
Complain less. Be joyful more.

Goal 2:
Live faith actively.

Goal 3:
Love on others. Take an extra step outward.

Goal 4:
Be bold.
Always be prepared to share the gospel of God to others...

Goal 5:
Communicate with God.

Goal 6:
Stick with my morals.
Don't be conformed to the ways of the world...

It's the beginning and more can always be added, but here is a start. Take some time to think of your goals. Know that the journey to become closer to God never ends. (:

Live life loud. Be blessed. (:

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