Friday, January 3, 2014


For now this blank page stares back at me with so much emptiness. It's begging to be filled with meaning and thought. After all isn't that what a blog is for? Many changes have taken place over the last couple years when I decided to abandon this blog. The decision wasn't totally conscious. 

Like this page, some days more then others, I feel engulfed with emptiness too. This bold feeling has made a hole inside my heart. What am I lacking? I'm a newlywed. I love my job. I am blessed with a wonderful husband. A home over my head. A continued education. 

While the emptiness inside still remains a deeper question, I know the problem roots from the unintentional distance that I have created in my relationship with God. It's lukewarm and no longer satisfying. It needs immediate action. 

Living in a new town has been challenging. Left behind was my family, our church, my job, my friends, and any sort of normalcy. I knew it wouldn't be easy knowing the transition would also came with many new roles like being a wife, a first time apartment renter, a new job title, a new school, a new major and so much more. I have even taken on new interests like reading, knitting, baking, and a countless number of TV series. The person I have become through this transition has taught me to be independent. At times almost too independent. Even the person I have become has started to look unfamiliar. I didn't know the transition would take this long. While I can't complain that the ride hasn't been rather smooth, the sense of satisfaction lays far from me. Now more then ever, I thirst for it. 

It's time for action, a plan. A time to start filling my emptiness with the love of our Lord and Savior. 

"Oceans will rise and kingdoms will fall, but the word of the Lord stands FOREVER!" Isaiah 40:8 

We, my husband and I have been lacking fellowship. It's time again that we pick up from where we left off on our search to find a church we can call home again. A church filled with a sense of family, fellowship, and outreach. A church filled with encouragement and scripture. 

A new journey starts here. 

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